
Thursday, 6 August 2009

Recorder Concert

Everyone in my class at school played their recorders and performed in front of all the parents. We played Joe, Joe, Hot Cross Buns, Who's that yonder, Kites, Gliding, Elephants, Indian Warrior (my favourite!), Skateboard ride and Chicka Hanka - a 'blues' tune. My mum filmed me, I'm in the middle with black hair without the glasses. Here are the videos.

skateboard ride
indian warrior

I like playing recorder even though I never ever practised before. I play electric guitar as well. I go to Shirley to get lessons from Andy. He teaches me grade work and songs that I want to play. I play automatics monster,Jem 24 and bean scent.


  1. Love your blog Ismaeel. Lots of cool stuff on here. I can't view your concert unfortunately it's only showing a blank page.


    I got to go now I need to eat some more dings dongs

    Love MAMU

  2. Dude your too cool for school!!!! love it!!! next time play your guitar (are you still playing it?

    see you soon, sorry i didnt see ou much this time. Hope you liked your rock??

    Love you lots Khala

  3. Cool site... I love it!.
    thank you for sharing..
    have a nice day..
